Monday, November 2, 2015

Four Tried & True Anger Management Techniques To Help Your Teens

November, 2015 Parent Update
Self-Control/Anger Management

Watching your teen in a moment of anger can be scary.  Anger management with adolescents is not something most parents want to deal with; but unfortunately, it's something that often can’t be avoided. 

Below are four tried and true strategies (I've even used these with my own children) to help you, and your teen, deal with those moments in which anger takes over:

1. Communication: “There’s nothing wrong with feeling angry.”
At times as a teenager, my now adult son, would become so angry that we needed to help him regain control. Though he's heard it many times before, it was important for us to communicate to him the following message, “There’s nothing wrong with feeling anger; the important thing is what you do with it.”  By acknowledging his anger as a real, valid emotion, we took the first step in successful adolescent anger management.  Second, we gave him the opportunity to regain control by taking a few minutes to gather his thoughts; and then, by taking those moments to enable him to calmly talk about the incident, he could reconnect with his reasoning skill which had shut down during the episode.  As parents, it's important for us to put ourselves in our children's shoes when they're having any issue; and anger is no different.  As you know, it's difficult for any of us to react appropriately or effectively "in the moment" of extreme anger. Speaking out loud, or “verbalizing” about his anger, actually worked to help diffuse the angry situation.

Another central part of communication is listening. Listening to your teen sends the powerful nonverbal message to him or her that, “What you think and feel matters to me. I may not agree with or like what you say; but I’m willing to listen and consider your viewpoint.”  This is one of the best ways we helped with our teen’s anger management.  When kids know that we, as parents, as willing to listen to them, they become much more open. Listening also allowed us, as parents, to show understanding.  We imagined ourselves in our adolescent’s position, and attempted to see things from his viewpoint. Of course, this isn't always easy, and, active listening is definitely a skill that takes practice; but, it's probably the most effective skill you can aquire for your role as a parent.

2. Maintain a healthy lifestyle: Never underestimate the power of exercise.
Getting rid of stress by exercising regularly is very helpful for everyone, especially teens. Also, eating healthy, nutritious foods helps the body maintain proper energy levels, keeps the brain happy, and helps in behaviors related to not feeling well due to improper nutrition.  People who exercise regularly, and who eat well, are less likely to overreact to those annoyances and inconveniences that often crop up in daily life.  School sports, working out at the local gym, bike riding, and walking are good activities for teens to include in their schedules.

3. Improve time management skills
Teens are really busy, and planning their time wisely can be a real challenge.  However, one of the most common anger stressors is poor time management.  When our oldest boys were teens, and even before, we worked with them on maintaining a realistic schedule that would accommodate school, home, friends, and leisure activities.  When your teen is in a rush, and something goes awry in the schedule, he or she likely may react in anger.  Learning how to manage time effectively is a great way to avoid outbursts of anger in your adolescent. 

4. Create a positive learning opportunity
After the negative feelings exacerbated by the angry incident have subsided, we made sure to take a few moments of mindful reflection with our children in order for them to effectively process what had happened, and why it had happened, in order to help prevent the same situations from occurring again.  Of course, new situations will arise; and, at times, children will repeat the same behaviors that have triggered their angry outbursts before; but, remember, we're all a work in progress, and there's no such thing as an instant fix...consistency is so important for behavior change. When reflecting with your kids, try sharing some similar struggles and experiences that you have had, and suggest strategies to avoid such anger meltdowns in the future. Also, ask them for their input with strategies they can try, things that can be done differently next time, etc.  People very often misdirect anger that may be caused by a valid, yet completely different, and often bigger, issue, onto everyday annoyances and inconveniences.  There are valid reasons to become angry, but there are also triggers (sometimes called hot buttons) that can provoke an angry outburst.  When you're processing the occurrence, help your teen recognize the actual trigger of his or her anger, then brainstorm for effective ways he or she can try to handle it.  Remember, not everything works for everyone; so, there should be an interactive, brainstorming, and experimental process in which you help your teen find coping skills that work specifically for him or her.

Once your teen learns to recognize his or her anger triggers, he or she can take steps to avoid them; and, at that point, your teen will be much more effective at considering what reaction(s) he or she could have that will not produce unproductive anger responses when the trigger occurs again. This will help him or her have a more appropriate reaction in future anger producing situations.

As much as many adolescents like to assert their independence, they actually feel more secure when their parents are in charge of the situation, and able to pay attention to their concerns.  Adolescent anger management is an ongoing challenge in many families; but if you have strategies to use, your home can be a much calmer, happier place.

You will find that you may have additional tips to add to this list as you're working through anger management and coping skills with your kids.

School Counselor
Rockport-Fulton High School
1801 Omohundro
P.O. Box 907
Rockport, TX 78381
(361) 790-2220

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